Dear One,
My love ... is your firm foundation. My love speaks of your value. It speaks of My goodness. It drips with My mercy.
Let My goodness and mercy assure you that I am for you. Let it remind you that you do not walk this life alone. Why the reminder? Because I know you're feeling out of rhythm. You're tired because you've been persevering. Things have been hard as you've pressed into something new, tilling up ground that's never been worked before. Your purpose, your plan, it isn't easy. But you have Me, and I've given you all you need. You have the fortitude ... the courage ... the resiliency to forge a new path for others to travel. This is all in My plan.
Come, take a rest. Come be refreshed in the quietness of the stillness and rest in My love for you. Come, swim in the pool of My peace. Stand with Me under the waterfall of My grace. Let the water wash the tension out of your shoulders. Let the sun warm your tired muscles. For persevering takes strength. Each step you've taken until now has built endurance for your journey ahead.
It's important for you to rest. To give yourself the gift of time in My Presence. Come with Me. Soak in My love. Release your weariness. Refresh your spirit.
Come be replenished for what's ahead ... your next step forward with Me.
All My Love,
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (NIV)