My Beloved,
Brokenness is welcome here. Here in My arms, here in My Love.
I am the one who understands you; I designed you with a tender heart. I know how easily your heart is cut by the words and actions of others. I know who you are and I care about what you are experiencing in life.
Beloved, you can turn to things and run to others for comfort ... or you can run to Me, the binder of your broken heart. I know every detail of your life, and I care that you are hurting. Not one cut, not one mark, not one tear cried goes unnoticed by Me.
Quickly forgive those who hurt you. Don't let the pain settle inward. Bring it all to Me, dear one, give it to Me; give Me your wounded heart and the hurtful words they've spoken. Those words do not belong to you; they do not speak of your worth or your identity in Me. Let Me have those words. Let Me cleanse your wounds, and fill your heart with My love and peace. Let Me remind you who you are.
You are loved. You are precious. You are Mine.
In My Love, Jesus
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8