How sweet the sound in the dead of night, a babe was born and grace cried out. In human form, My gift unwrapped as angels sang and creation clapped.
In the lowliest of places, My plan came forth to redeem a world both rich and poor. Born into law, He drew His first breath, My Son, your Savior, born in a manger.
He grew in wisdom and made choices of right that brought Him to that fateful night. The night He laid down the will of His own, to accept not His, but My will be known.
Beaten and scorned with a crown of thorns, your Savior, My plan, was rejected by man. Nailed to a cross with the sins of the world; much shame He bore as insults were hurled.
Forsaken He felt as darkness rolled in, yet He chose to forgive those who hurt and wronged Him. He was born with a cry and ended with one ... as He raised up His voice, and proclaimed, "IT IS DONE."
He breathed His last breath. His mission complete, the veil ripped apart between you and Me. Love hung there until it was done; My perfect gift, Jesus, My Son.
Your sins are forgiven, the cost paid in blood. Open your heart and run into love! Swing wide your arms and receive your gift: the gift of My Son, your gift of Grace.
All My Love, Father God
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6 (NIV)