My Child,
I'm so thankful I created you and brought you into this world. Do you realize how marvelous you are? Believe it! You, my dear one, bring this Father's heart great delight and joy.
I am proud of how I made you. I love your wit and sense of humor, your analytical mind, your tender heart, and I love your laugh! The world is so much brighter because you are in it. Every morning when you awake, I shout to everyone around you, "This is My child! Take notice and appreciate the light and beauty I have placed inside of My beloved."
My child, when you are down and wondering who you are, reach your arms up to Me. I will pick you up and hold you close. When you are close to Me, it's easier to stay focused on Me, your heavenly Father, the source of your rest, comfort, and strength. The source of your peace and joy.
When you are in My arms, you have a different viewpoint, a different perspective on life. Let me help you focus on what is truly important. Let Me turn your focus from the doing, the proving, the stress of performing, and getting it all done, to the simple delights of My heart.
You delight My heart.
Come closer. Reach up. Let me hold you and whisper to your heart.
Your Father loves you. Your Father is proud of you.
With you is my favorite place to be.
Big hugs!
Your Heavenly Father,